jacob moth blog & vlogs

Follow Jacob on his current Adventure of Self-Discovery by watching Jacob's Vlogs below

The large majority of the videos will be in English with an occasional video in Danish.

Jacob's Vlog #6

Continue creating The Legendary Magic Garden Tribe Board and more
Support and become a member at The Magic Garden at: https://www.patreon.com/themagicgarden Dear Patreons Here comes part two of the creation of The Legendary Magic Garden Tribe Board. I promised to film when I write all your famous names on the board. The creation of the board is a beautiful manifestation of our community – The Magic Garden Tribe. We are so honoured to have all of you amazing creative and wonderful souls being part of The Magic Garden and we are dedicated to support you on your own adventure of self-discovery. We learn so much from each of you and are grateful for all co-creation and the grand adventure we participate in together. Blessings Jacob & The Magic Garden Team

Jacob's Vlog #4

Creation of The Legendary Magic Garden Tribe Board 
Today the 3 December 2019 is a special day in the always unfolding story of The Magic Garden. Ecaterina’s mother, who has been ill for some time, took her last journey today. She passed away 01.11 danish time. Her spirit is with us and we bless her on her last journey. She was an amazing woman and being. In alignment with the Universe, her soul and spirit participated beautifully in giving birth to the creation of The Legendary Magic Garden Tribe Board, which I created today. I underwent a powerful ritual today making this and I experienced her being with me here in The Magic Garden. 

Jacob's Vlog #5

Monthly Integration Evenings in The Magic Garden

Jacob's Vlog #3

The Story of The Magic Garden
A lecture about the history of The Magic Garden recorded during Magic Festival the 14th September 2019.

Jacob's Vlog #2

Gud er kreativitet
Jacob taler i den sidste sharing til en ceremoni d. 23 August 2019. Tarot kortet The Sun trækkes og talen handler bla om hvordan man gennem kreativitet får integreret sine oplevelser fra rejser i bevidstheden.

Jacob's Vlog #1

Invitation to Magical Festival 14 September 2019
Lørdag d. 14 september har vi Magiske Festival. Vi fejrer at studiet fylder 10 år. Samtidig er det Lellah’s fødselsdag og fuldmåne. Hvilken smuk synkronistisk timing. Det vil blive en dag med musik, magi, hyggeligt samvær og vi vil fejrer vores deltagelse i Livets Eventyr. Vi glæder os stort til denne dag hvor Purple Haze vil spille igen, Axis Mundi, Trommeceremoni, stor fællesspisning, og masser af glade livssprudlende mennesker. På vores Norges Odyssé 2019 lavede jeg en lille invitation fra Galdhøgpiggen – Nord-Europas højeste top.

Jacob's Vlog #7

The major revelation my father had just before he passed away
Excerpt from a speak to a ceremony. Jacob share his experiences with his fathers passing away last autumn. Jacob’s father was a true ateist his whole life, but he had a major revelation just before taking off. Visit: https://www.themagicgarden.dk

Jacob's Vlog #8

How to use Jung’s Archetypes to elevate your daily joy of life
One question I get several times is:
How do we embody the archetypes?
What do we do if we had a father who wasn’t there for us?
What if we lost our mother at an early age or if she was an alcoholic? And what are we doing in these times with Coronavirus which is triggering shadows inside and around us?
During an Integration Evening I gave a simple, but powerful answer to that. A technique used for more than thousands of years by buddhist: Identify with the Buddha. Identify and connect with the cosmic father. In everyday life, it is done by positive affirmations and the like. I also talk about the mythological theme that often heroes in myths are lacking their fathers. It is a common theme that we on our quest have to find our true father, to find our true identity. In this time where there is so much at stake, it is important that we connect with our deepest inner and powerful nature and the underlying oneness, to find the empowerment to take action. Blessings, Jacob

Jacob's Vlog #9

I spent 10+ hours HANDCRAFTING this legendary board to honor our tribe
To catch up my schedule for my Vlogs I finally made the video with the honoured members of The Magic Garden. I recorded this video 31 December 2019 to be prepared for this very exciting and powerful decade. Creating The Legendary Magic Garden Tribe Board is a powerful process. Through the creation of this board and the energetic work which happens in and around the tribe symbolised in this board, we are uniting a field of consciousness and souls to deeper levels of realities. One important outcome of doing this, is to make it easier to release old traumas and karmic negative patterns and connect to the Source. Not only for individual souls, but for the unified field of souls. Big thanks to all members of The Magic Garden Tribe and big thanks to all honoured members. Without you The Magic Garden would not exist. For more information about the healing and transformative work happening here in The Magic Garden visit: https://www.themagicgarden.dk Support and become member of The Magic Garden at: https://www.patreon.com/themagicgarden

jacob moth blogs

Hvad betyder drømmen?
(min fortolkning)

Set fra det sted, hvor jeg er i dag, er jeg ikke i tvivl om, at X repræsenterer mit “kald”. Det vil sige den kraft der trak mig ind i det indre univers og bevirkede, at jeg blev nød til at vie en afgørende stor del af mit liv til selvopdagelse.

Huset jeg ankommer til, er bevidsthedens hus. Jeg er meget syg. Dette er shamanens indvielsessygdom -“Shamansyge”. Det jeg søger er “mit sted”.

Hvor hører jeg hjemme?

Jeg bliver ført gennem børneværelset (Barndommens Land), til badeværelset (renselse) ind til ægteparret, der sidder og skændes. Ægteparret der skændes symboliserer en af mine hovedarbejdsgestalter, som er forbundet med Det hellige bryllup.

Målet for processen, individuationsprocessen, som Jung kalder den, er det alkymiske bryllup, alle polære modsætningers forening og transcendens, herunder også menneskets maskuline og feminine side. På et ydre plan henviser drømmen konkret til min parforholdsgestalt, som er en af mine helt store psykiske arbejdsgestalter.

Jeg er vokset op hos nogle forældre, der på mange måder repræsenterer det lykkelige ægteskabs idyl. Men det har åbenbart ikke været meningen, at jeg umiddelbart skulle træde i mine forældres fodspor, hvad dette angår.

Som jeg tidligere har været lidt inde på det, i forbindelse med at få et ungdomskærlighedsforhold afsluttet før et nyt begynder, har mine senere ægteskabelige forhold været ret turbulente.

Noget i mig ønsker den ultimative frihed.

Denne ultimative frihed opnås imidlertid primært ved, at der bliver skabt harmoni på den indre arena, og en sådan harmoni var der absolut ikke tale om i mit sind, da jeg var ung.

Dengang var det nemlig først for alvor ved – langsomt – at gå op for mig, hvor meget kaos jeg havde i mit indre.

Desuden kan denne søgen efter den ultimative frihed være svær at forlige og forene med et fast parforhold. Derfor skændes ægteparret i drømmen, for de psykiske energier mellem dem – og i mig – er spændingsfyldte og yderst dynamiske. Her ser vi igen min Uranus/Pluto kvadratur til Venus.

Dernæst møder jeg hippierne (modkulturen og modvægten til vores materialistisk orienterede kultur). Her vil jeg godt indskyde, at det bedste af det som hippiebevægelsen i tresserne bragte for dagen, hinsides enhver tvivl var og er noget stort, godt og langtidsholdbart.

Jeg er selv barn af tresserne, og med Jimi Hendrix som min store inspirationskilde og en af mine vigtige spirituelle læremestre, tager jeg tråden op fra hippiebevægelsen.

I ovennævnte drøm opdager jeg til sidst, at alle kulturer er til stede i huset.

Det er menneskehedens samlede erfaringspulje, der er samlet her. Vi er tydeligvis i det transpersonlige lag af psyken. Jeg troede, at jeg kun skulle opholde mig en kort tid i den problematiske del af det transpersonlige bevidsthedslag, og havde i min ungdoms dårskab regnet med, at jeg rimelig nemt, hurtigt og smertefrit kunne opdage og blive afklaret med livets dybere mysterium – og fortsætte i min alt for tidligt døde helts (Hendrix) fodspor.

Men ak, her tog jeg gruelig fejl.

Jeg var meget “syg”, og den sygdom jeg pådrog mig var som nævnt den indledende “shamansyge”, der var forbundet med indvielse.

Shamansyge og indvielse gør sig gældende når barrieren mellem egobevidstheden og det ubevidstes uendelige ocean nedbrydes, og egobevidstheden overskylles med så meget ubevidst psykisk materiale at virkelighedsniveauerne blandes sammen.

Den vordende udvalgte shaman har intet valg. Ånderne har hidkaldt ham, og han må nødvendigvis bære sin skæbne, hvad enten han vil det eller ej.

X forfølger mig hele tiden, uanset hvilke undvigelsesmetoder jeg vælger. Først da jeg ankommer til Bevidsthedens Hus, eller Livets Skole, slipper X sit tag.

Hvis vi skal følge tanken om at denne drøm er en slags fremtidsprofeti om mit videre forløb, så må det store orkester, der spiller under slutningen af drømmen, nødvendigvis henvise til min musikerkarriere.

Drømmen siger imidlertid også, at før jeg virkelig kan få mig et “stort orkester”, må jeg nødvendigvis drage afsted på den indre rejse. Astrologisk viser dette sig i mit andet store arbejdsaspekt, nemlig Saturn (tid) i kvadratur til min Ascendant (persona). Mit shamankald fører mig til musikkens verden, men det vil sandsynligvis tage noget tid før det lykkes mig at få musikken manifesteret i den ydre verden. Nogle frugter modner senere end andre. Nogle træer dør yngre end andre.

På dette tidspunkt af mit liv har mit ubevidste til sidst valgt bilen som symbol på et fuldt integreret dynamisk ego. Her møder jeg X, der ligeledes er i bil. Vi er nu på samme niveau. Både X’s og min “livsopgave”/dharma er synkroniseret.

Hvordan var din første drøm. Og hvad betyder den for dig?

Pt søger jeg flere studerende, der vil studerer med mig i Transpersonlig Psykologi. Jeg starter et hold op i Januar, og der er stadig nogle pladser.

Læs alt om The Magic Garden nye terapeutuddannelse, Integral Transpersonlig Psykoterapeut.

Ønsker du et eksemplar af min bog, Natsommerfuglens Land, kan du bestille et her.

Jeg ønsker dig et livsberighende efterår og vil opmuntre dig til at have en drømmebog liggende ved din seng.

Blessings, Jacob

You've made this year a true blessing

Jacob’s new shamanic wand, the 22-stringed, unique butterfly guitar – Black Beauty – is expected to be born at Spring Equinox 2022, and we are very excited what new shamanic soundscapes she will open up to.


These are some of the latest albums.

The Magic Garden Tribe Platform

In February, we launched our new membership platform, The Magic Garden Tribe. A platfor

m created for spiritual seekers and psychonauts.

Here members have access to an expansive pool of music, guidance and inspiration that can be useful and rewarding on their Adventure of Self-Discovery.

New content is launched regularly, so there is always something new to be enriched and guided by.

One of the main purposes of the membership is to invite to global meditations and create community.

Right now, you can join our monthly full moon concerts as they are livestreamed free and openly through various platforms which besides the membership platform include Facebook and Youtube.

Magic Festival 2021

In September, we held our annual Magic Festival.

The festival ran over two days this year. The first day was dedicated to a tribute to our cherished elder Stanislav Grof on the occasion of his 90th birthday.

The tribute featured talks by top-notch speakers as Jorge Ferrer, Christopher Bache, and Susan Hess Logeais.

In the evening we held our ritual drumming ceremony as well as a concert with Electric Shaman and Axis Mundi.

It was a blast of a tribute, and we were overjoyed to have paid this festive and loving tribute to Stan Grof.

Sunday featured a small conference with the theme of the modern Eleusis, which is exactly what The Magic Garden is, and was a vision that Albert Hofmann had. This day we had equally prominent speakers on the program in the form of Rick Doblin, Susan Hess Logeais, Michael Mithoefer, and Derek Seagrief.

We have published two of the dialogues from the festival publicly on our Youtube channel. You can watch the talks below. We will publish more content from the festival during 2022.

The Tribe is Growing

We experience a growing interest in embarking on the inner journey and are delighted to see regular and new travelers entering through the green gate and filling our “spacecraft”.

It makes us happy beyond words and feels deeply meaningful, because that is exactly the point of The Magic Garden – namely to be a modern living Eleusis where people can explore themselves deeply, find back home in themselves and be able to live precisely the life they want and dream of – and have direct experiences of the Source.

New education programme. Integral Transpersonal Psychotherapist


Another huge development this year is the coming launch of our psychotherapist education programme called Integral Transpersonal Psychotherapist in January 2022.

After completing their studies, the students of this programme will be masterful psychedelic and transpersonal psychotherapists.

The main foundation of the education is Transpersonal Psychology, and it includes a wide range of associated subject areas as psychonautics, mythology, archetypal astrology, and shamanism etc.

There is room for 14 students and the education programme lasts 4 years.

The purpose of the training is to meet the need for qualified psychedelic psychotherapists, which is at present and which will grow in the coming years due to the psychedelic renaissance.

As mentioned, we are already seeing an increased demand for taking the inner journey here at The Magic Garden, and we would like to help meet this demand by educating a group of dedicated souls so that they are equipped with a solid knowledge, skills and experience within the field.

At the same time, I’m at a place in my life, where I feel a deep calling from within to pass on my knowledge and pool of experience from almost four decades of self-exploration to future generations.

The education programme will be taught in Danish.

We’re still taking in applications, as we still have a few spots open.

If this is of interest to you, we urge you to apply as soon as possible, as study starts on 6 January 2022.

Learn more about the programme here.

The education programme page is in Danish only.

Electric Shaman

Another crazy thing that happened this year is that my band Electric Shaman signed a record deal with a prominent label. We’re now collaborating with a renowned producer who has worked with several international stars to produce our first album.

The first singles will be released in the beginning of 2022, and we can’t wait for you to hear them.

The Magic Garden Team

 Ecaterina and I are so blessed to have three volunteering employees who dedicatedly and persistently make a huge contribution to solving all the absolutely huge number of large and small tasks associated with operating such a cosmic space station and modern Eleusis.
By joint efforts in the team, a sea of optimizations has been made on many levels throughout the year, both in the house, garden and in relation to our external communication.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🦋❤️

We wish you and your dear ones a wonderful, rewarding, and blissful Christmas and a bright, happy, and ecstatic New Year.

We look forward to seeing you and embarking on new adventures with you in 2022.

Light, love, magic & harmony,

Jacob, Ecaterina & The Magic Garden Team